Congress is going to have to raise the debt limit. They understand that. That's absolutely essential to preserve the creditworthiness of the United States of America. You know, we're a country that meets its obligations, and we have to meet our obligations, and they recognize that.
...the leadership understand that you can't play around with this, you can't take it too long. And those people up there who are telling people that you can take this to the brink because it gives them some leverage, they're going to own the responsibility for the risk that creates for the American economy.
...if you allow people to start to doubt whether the United States of America will meet its obligations, that would be catastrophic, and we can't take that risk.
「いずれにせよ、すごくいいデザインだし、これが本物じゃないとわかっていても、きっとこの写真を使ったハズさ!」(“We still love the stamp design and would have selected this photograph anyway,” ←USPSのスポークスマンの言)
“It’s akin to one of those situations where people go to the grocery store and buy up all the water,” said Bill Missett, an executive with the LaserPacific Media Corporation, which uses tape in its post-production services. (略) Many TV shows rely on tape that is manufactured in Japan. Studios use a similar product to shoot movies and store master copies of films. (Digital storage methods are increasing, but, counterintuitively, it costs more to store a digital master of a movie – about $12,500 a year – than it does to keep a conventional master, which costs about $1,050 a year.)
プロダクション後のサービスでビデオテープを使う、LaserPacific Media Corpのエグゼクティブ、ビル・ミセット氏は「飲み水の買い占めのためにスーパーにあせって買いにゆく、あれと似た状況だ」と言う。(略) 米テレビのリアリティショー番組の多くが日本製のテープに依存している。映画スタジオでも映画の撮影やマスター・コピーの保存のために同様のプロダクトを使っている。(デジタルによる保存方法は年々増加傾向にあるものの、我々の直感とは裏腹に、映画のデジタル・マスター保存にはよりコストがかかる。テープ方式によるマスター保存だと映画一本で年間保存コストは$1,050しか掛からないのに対し、デジタルマスター方式だと年間$12,500もコストがかかるのだ。)
(引用:Still, inflation is "going to be serious," Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said during a meeting with USA TODAY's editorial board. "We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate.")